Why Mediaprobe
Emotional impact is the key to unlocking impression quality
Emotional impact is the key to unlocking the impression quality
Emotional impact is a predictor of brand recall. To create and sell emotion, you need to be able to measure emotion. Mediaprobe’s approach, grounded in the science of galvanic skin response (GSR), revolutionizes the way emotional impact is quantified in media, unlocking actionable insights previously unavailable to content creators, media sellers, and advertisers. Our solution goes beyond counting eyeballs to deliver emotional impact metrics at scale, allowing out-of-lab and real-time tracking of audiences’ emotional engagement with media content.
What people feel, what they think,
what they say
What people feel, What they think, What they say

What people feel
What people feel
Implicit insights.
Mediaprobe’s proprietary, wireless, hand-held sensor captures second-by-second emotional engagement using galvanic skin response (GSR).

What they think
What they think
Conscious insights.
Explicit capture of Likes and Dislikes throughout the broadcast via a companion mobile app. The app flawlessly synchronizes the emotional data points with the precise moment of media content.

What they say
What they say
Declarative insights.
Custom pre- and post-session surveys enhance learnings and built on implicit data collected.
It all comes together in our powerful analytics platform which automatically calculates the Emotional Impact Score (EIS) of audiovisual content content. The platform unlocks insights from all commercial or editorial elements, and demonstrates how engagement varies across different contexts and platforms.
Our platform aggregates the biggest database of monitored physiological reactions to media content ever tracked. The data consolidation allows the creation of robust and customizable norms for benchmarking against thousands of data points across dimensions.

The science behind the Emotional
Impact Score (EIS)
The science behind the Emotional Impact Score (EIS)
Emotional Impact Score (EIS) tracks emotion second-by-second and correlates it with specific elements of the audiovisual content. EIS is calculated from the audience’s electrodermal activity — measured through GSR. GSR is a scientific way to reliably and predictably measure a person’s actual emotional reaction to what they see and hear, providing an objective view of audiences’ attentiveness and engagement.
Designed by experts from the fields of cognitive neuroscience, behavioral science, electronics, biomedical engineering, artificial intelligence, machine learning, software engineering, data analytics, and market research, our scalable physiological GSR measurement provides the most powerful set of metrics in the industry to predict outcomes.
A measure of the emotional intensity of media, reflecting second-by-second impact of the media on the consumer.
Highly stable across samples.
Predictive Power
A strong correlation from content to external outcomes, such as brand recall.